Highlights of the 388th Session of Classis Hudson:The classis meeting began with a time of worship and singing led by the praise band from Christ Community Church. Rev. Ken Bieber reflected on the promises of Christ's continued presence to the church, and led classis in a time of prayer.The Stated Clerk called delegates' attention to the fact that Queens CRC in Jamaica, NY is celebrating 50 years of ministry in 2010.Rev. Tong Park, Korean ministries director for the CRC, gave an encouraging report of the ministry work going on in the Korean churches in our region.Jeremy Mulder, who will be leading worship at the Restore worshiping ministry at Cedar Hill CRC, was approved as a ministry associate in our classis. He is also available for pulpit supply in the churches of Classis Hudson.A request was approved for Rev. David Sung to serve outside the CRC as the pastor of Riverside Community Church, a non-denominational church in the Reformed tradition.Rev. Wes Van Dyk of Faith Community CRC will be retiring in May of 2011. Classis celebrates his many faithful years of service to Christ and to the church.Rev. Rod Gorter was appointed to the Mid-Atlantic Ministries leadership team to take the place of Rev. Joel Vande Werken, whose term is expiring. Councils are encouraged to forward names for other open functionary positions to the Stated Clerk.The establishment of a regional Safe Church Team with other CRC classes in our area was approved in concept. Councils are being asked to identify potential members and report back to the spring classis meeting.Rev. Joseph Byun led in closing devotions and prayer, reflecting on our hope of unity in the body of Christ.