Prayer summit

“Fanning the Flame: Praying Together for God’s Mission” is the theme for aregional prayer summit to be held on November 4-5 at Midland Park CRC.The summit features a keynote address by Dimas Salaberrios, who ispresident of Concerts of Prayer of Greater New York. In additon, thesummit will feature breakout sessions on Healing Prayer; Prayer Walking;Praying the Bible; Small Groups and Prayer; Spiritual Temperments andPrayer; Finding Rest during Stress; and Contemplative Prayer.This event is hosted by regional partners of the CRC and RCA who areunited in their passion for prayer and is designed for everyone--churchmembers, leaders, students, pastors.  More information is available on theresource table in the fellowship hall.  To register for the summit, followthis link or contact Pastor John Algera at 973-279-3132.
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