Posts in News
Belhar Confession discussion at Midland Park CRC

Should the Belhar Confession be a 4th confession of faith in CRC? Synod 2012 will decide. Come join a lively discussion about the Belhar Confession with Dr. John Bolt of Calvin Seminary. All agree that racialism and injustice must be addressed by the church today...but how? How should we voice, as a church, our opposition to unjust racial treatment and our support for unity and reconciliation in Christ? Wednesday, January 25, 7:30 pm—hosted by the Midland Park Christian Reformed Church on behalf of Classis Hudson. ALL ARE WELCOME - no charge!. Refreshments will follow. Be informed! Engage in the dialogue! Questions? Contact the Midland Park CRC office (201-445-4260;

Events, Newsclassishudson
2012 Paramus Fund grant requests due soon

Councils of churches in Classis Hudson are reminded that the deadline for submitting Paramus Fund grant requests for the coming year is December 1, 2011.   Application forms may be found here.The Paramus Fund was created in 1980 from the remaining assets of the former Paramus Christian Reformed Church, which closed in 1976.  The Fund provides grants each year for "ministry and church programs" within the congregations of Classis Hudson.  It is administered by the Classical Interim Committee and the Treasurer.

News, Uncategorizedclassishudson
NECT events

Northeast Community Transformation, the diaconal ministry of Classes Hudson and Hackensack, invites you to take note of two events they are hosting in November.In response to the CRC's initiatives to encourage new kinds of vitality in the office of deacon, NECT will be holding a deacons' forum at Covenant CRC in North Haledon from 9-12 on Saturday, November 5.  The conversation is for deacons, elders, pastors, and all who minister in the community and want to encourage deacons to be "champions" for the church in living out the good news of the gospel.  The cost is $10 each; see the flyer for information on how to register.NECT also invites all who are concerned with the church's witness to justice and the healing love of Christ to attend their fall vision dinner the following weekend, November 11 at 6pm at Cedar Hill CRC.  The cost is $20 for adults; children may attend at reduced cost.  RSVP is required before November 4.  For more information or to learn how to register, please see the information on the flyer.

Events, News, Uncategorizedclassishudson