The Christian Health Care Center in Wyckoff is sponsoring an event for church administrators on Wednesday, March 30. To RSVP or for more information, please see the flyer linked in this post.
Highlights of the most recent classis meeting, held on March 7-8 at Bridgeway CRC, have been posted here.Also included in these highlights are links to some of the resources mentioned at the meeting.
The agenda for the spring meeting of Classis Hudson, to be held at the Bridgeway Community Church in Haledon, NJ on March 7-8, 2011, is now complete and is available here. Questions or comments may be addressed to the Stated Clerk.
Classis Hudson will meet on Monday evening and Tuesday, March 7-8, 2011, at the Bridgeway Community Church in Haledon, NJ. The agenda deadline is January 17, 2011. All reports, overtures, and other requests should be submitted to the Stated Clerk by that date in order to include items in the agenda.
The CRC's Sustaining Pastoral Excellence (SPE) program wants to share information about the Lilly Foundation's sabbatical grants. Funding is available to cover program expenses for pastors and related congregational expenses during the pastor's time of sabbatical.More information can be found in the SPE flyer or by referencing the Lilly Foundation web site.
The Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC) and its partners on the East Coast have been strengthening their relationship with another ministry birthed out of the CRC, called Partners Worldwide (PW). PW was begun by a group of CRC business leaders who view business as a missional calling from God, and who seek to use their position and skills in business to creatively address issues like global poverty.The latest newsletter from PW's East Coast office can be found here. Further information can be found on the PW web site, or by contacting Bob DeJong (contact info is in the newsletter).