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CRC Strategic Plan Meeting - North Haledon

The Board of Trustees of the CNCNA has mandated the Strategic Planning and Adaptive Challenges Team (SPACT) to facilitate a fundamental reframe of the denominational ministry plan.  The team is asking for your voices and insights at a feedback gathering session at Covenant CRC in North Haledon, NJ,  This session will be held on Monday, October 28 from 7-10 pm.  The question which will guide the evening's discussion i this: "In light of the cultural dynamics within and outside the CRC - the dynamics of the world, the community, and the church/ministry in which you serve - where do you see the challenges for yourselves and the church?"  Identifying these challenges will help the SPACT in moving forward with the reframing of the denominational ministry plan.An article on a similar meeting held recently in Grand Rapids is here, and an overview of the whole process can be found here.

Paramus Fund grant requests due

Councils of churches in Classis Hudson are reminded that the deadline for submitting Paramus Fund grant requests for the coming year is December 1, 2013.   Application forms may be found here.The Paramus Fund was created in 1980 from the remaining assets of the former Paramus Christian Reformed Church, which closed in 1976.  The Fund provides grants each year for “ministry and church programs” within the congregations of Classis Hudson.  It is administered by the Classical Interim Committee and the Treasurer.

News, Uncategorizedclassishudson
Discipleship conference

The CRC's regional home missions office is sponsoring a two-day workshop about discipling believers within the church community.  The seminar will be held Sept. 26-27 in Providence, RI.  Details and registration information can be found here.

Events, Uncategorizedclassishudson
Agenda for fall classis meeting

Classis Hudson will meet on Monday and Tuesday, September 16-17, at the Cedar Hill CRC in Wyckoff.  As has been the custom, part of this meeting will be held jointly with Classis Hackensack, the other regional assembly of the Christian Reformed Church in our area.  The session will begin on Monday evening at 7pm with a discussion of the ways in which our churches are engaging youth and young adults, and with a time of worship.  Tuesday morning is a time of reviewing the work of denominational ministries, and the Tuesday afternoon session concentrates on classis business.  The agenda can be found by clicking here: fall agenda web.