Classis Hudson will be meeting in regular session on Thursday, January 26 at Ridgewood CRC. Agenda materials were distributed to the churches last week. Any additional documents for the agenda should be submitted to the Stated Clerk as soon as possible.
New Life Community Church of Staten Island cordially invites members of classis to join them in celebrating the ordination of Leo Yoon to the ministry of the Word. The ordination service will take place on Sunday, Nov. 27 at 5pm at the church (225 Richmond Hill Rd, Staten Island NY 10314).We are thankful for the gifts that God has given Leo for ministry and pray for the Spirit's blessing on his work in the church and the denomination.
Classis Hudson met in regular session at Midland Park CRC on September 19-20, 2016. Details from that meeting can be found here.
“Fanning the Flame: Praying Together for God’s Mission” is the theme for aregional prayer summit to be held on November 4-5 at Midland Park CRC.The summit features a keynote address by Dimas Salaberrios, who ispresident of Concerts of Prayer of Greater New York. In additon, thesummit will feature breakout sessions on Healing Prayer; Prayer Walking;Praying the Bible; Small Groups and Prayer; Spiritual Temperments andPrayer; Finding Rest during Stress; and Contemplative Prayer.This event is hosted by regional partners of the CRC and RCA who areunited in their passion for prayer and is designed for everyone--churchmembers, leaders, students, pastors. More information is available on theresource table in the fellowship hall. To register for the summit, followthis link or contact Pastor John Algera at 973-279-3132.
Classis Hudson met in special session on March 3, 2016. A summary of the decisions reached at that meeting can be found here.
Due to the request at the last classis meeting that time be set aside for the discussion of two reports to Synod 2016, the start time for the March 3 meeting has been moved to 5pm.The schedule for the evening is as follows:5:00 Discussion of Sussex overture re Doctrine of Discovery report6:00 Examination of Candidate Leo Yoon8:00 Discussion of East Islip overture re Pastoral Guidelines on Same-Sex MarriageAgenda materials have been sent to the churches by the Stated Clerk.